Weather Readings Database Schema

From Earlham CS Department
Revision as of 12:09, 27 March 2015 by Craigje (talk | contribs)
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readings taken by weather station and stored in psql

datetime (timestamp) (all others of type real) barometer pressure altimeter intemp outtemp inhumid outhumid windspeed winddir windgust windgustdir rainrate rain dewpoint windchill heatindex et radiation uv

previous weather station information

weather=# \d+ readings

                       Table "public.readings"
       Column        |         Type         | Modifiers | Description
 timestamp           | abstime              |           | 
 in_temperature      | double precision     |           | Celsius 
 out_temperature     | double precision     |           | Celsius
 wind_speed          | integer              |           | Meters/Second
 wind_heading        | integer              |           | Degrees
 barometric_pressure | integer              |           | mm Hg
 in_humidity         | integer              |           | Percent
 out_humidity        | integer              |           | Percent
 total_rain          | double precision     |           | Centimeters
 wind_chill          | double precision     |           | Celsius
 dew_point           | double precision     |           | Celsius
 barometric_trend    | character varying(7) |           | NA (text string)
 daily_rain          | double precision     |           | NA, we never collected this value
    "timestam_pkey" UNIQUE, btree ("timestamp")
    "date_idx" btree ("timestamp")
Check constraints:
    "$1" CHECK (in_temperature >= 0:ouble precision AND in_temperature <= 50::
double precision)
    "$10" CHECK (wind_chill >= (- 40:ouble precision) AND wind_chill <= 50:o
uble precision)
    "$2" CHECK (dew_point >= (- 35:ouble precision) AND dew_point <= 50:ouble precision)
    "$3" CHECK (out_temperature >= (- 30:ouble precision) AND out_temperature <= 50:ouble precision)
    "$4" CHECK (wind_speed >= 0 AND wind_speed <= 100)
    "$5" CHECK (wind_heading >= 0 AND wind_heading <= 360)
    "$6" CHECK (barometric_pressure >= 71000 AND barometric_pressure <= 76000)
    "$7" CHECK (in_humidity >= 0 AND in_humidity <= 100)
    "$8" CHECK (out_humidity >= 0 AND out_humidity <= 100)
    "$9" CHECK (total_rain >= 0:ouble precision AND total_rain <= 100:ouble precision)
Has OIDs: yes