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Revision as of 15:57, 24 November 2012

weather=# \d+ readings

                       Table "public.readings"
       Column        |         Type         | Modifiers | Description
 timestamp           | abstime              |           | 
 in_temperature      | double precision     |           | Celsius 
 out_temperature     | double precision     |           | Celsius
 wind_speed          | integer              |           | Meters/Second
 wind_heading        | integer              |           | Degrees
 barometric_pressure | integer              |           | mm Hg
 in_humidity         | integer              |           | Percent
 out_humidity        | integer              |           | Percent
 total_rain          | double precision     |           | Centimeters
 wind_chill          | double precision     |           | Celsius
 dew_point           | double precision     |           | Celsius
 barometric_trend    | character varying(7) |           | NA (text string)
 daily_rain          | double precision     |           | NA, we never collected this value
    "timestam_pkey" UNIQUE, btree ("timestamp")
    "date_idx" btree ("timestamp")
Check constraints:
    "$1" CHECK (in_temperature >= 0:ouble precision AND in_temperature <= 50::
double precision)
    "$10" CHECK (wind_chill >= (- 40:ouble precision) AND wind_chill <= 50:o
uble precision)
    "$2" CHECK (dew_point >= (- 35:ouble precision) AND dew_point <= 50:ouble precision)
    "$3" CHECK (out_temperature >= (- 30:ouble precision) AND out_temperature <= 50:ouble precision)
    "$4" CHECK (wind_speed >= 0 AND wind_speed <= 100)
    "$5" CHECK (wind_heading >= 0 AND wind_heading <= 360)
    "$6" CHECK (barometric_pressure >= 71000 AND barometric_pressure <= 76000)
    "$7" CHECK (in_humidity >= 0 AND in_humidity <= 100)
    "$8" CHECK (out_humidity >= 0 AND out_humidity <= 100)
    "$9" CHECK (total_rain >= 0:ouble precision AND total_rain <= 100:ouble precision)
Has OIDs: yes