Natives that attract wildlife

From Earlham CS Department
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Royal Catchfly
Silene regia
-attracts butterflies and hummingbirds
-grow 2-4 ft. tall
-prefers full sun
-prefers rich, well drained, loamy soil
-blooms from july to august

New England Aster
Aster novae-angliae
-attracts butterflies
-grows 2-6 ft. in height
-prefers full sun
-prefer moist, rich, loamy soils
-blooms from august to october

Wild Columbine
Aquilegia canadensis
-attracts hummingbirds and butterflies
-grows 1-3 ft. tall
-prefers partial shade but will grow in full sun
-prefers well drained, loose, slightly acid, sandy loam soil, but will tolerate most soils
-blooms in late spring

Monarda fistulosa
-attracts hummingbirds, butterflies, and bumble bees
-grows 2-3 ft. tall
-prefers full sun
-prefers well drained, neutral, sandy, loamy soils
-flower from july to august

False Sunflower
Heliopsis helianthoides
-attracts monarchs and other butterflies, birds, and hummingbirds
-grows 2-4 ft. tall
-prefers full sun
-prefers well drained, loamy soils
-flowers throughout the summer

Plants that provide for larvae

Celtis occidentalis
-provides food and shelter for birds and small mammals such as squirrels
-grows 40-60 ft. tall
-prefers full sun
-prefers moist, rich soil, is very adaptable to different soil types
-blooms in april and may, berries appear in early fall

Highbush Blueberry
Vaccinium corymbosum
-provides food for birds and small mammals, berries can be eaten by humans
-grows to 6-8 ft. in height
-requires full sun, will not tolerate shade
-prefers acidic, well drained, sandy, loamy soils
-flowers in may, berries ripen in august

Swamp Milkweed
Asclepias incarnata
-provides food for monarch caterpillars, attracts butterflies and hummingbirds
-grows to 4 ft. in height
-prefers full sun to partial shade
-prefers rich, well drained, loamy soils
-blooms mid summer

Lindera benzoin
-provides food and shelter for birds, butterflies and small mammals
-grows 5-20 ft. tall
-prefers shade but will grow in sun
-prefers moist rich soils but will grow in a variety of soil types
-blooms in march and april

New Jersey Tea
Ceanothus americanus
-attracts butterflies and hummingbirds
-grows 2-3 ft. in height
-prefers full to partial sun
-prefers sandy, loamy, dry soils, very drought resistant
-blooms from july to august