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I had some trouble with this one. I can't get the subroutine to return values. I'm not sure I understand how the arguments are read by the subroutine.
I'm having trouble with this one!!
I think this might be a good problem to use to walk through the debugger--I didn't understand everything as it was laid out in the book.
use warnings;
use strict;
#Erika Phelps
#28 Sept 2009
#Exercise 6.2
#Ask for a DNA sequence from the user.
#Determine the length of the DNA sequence.
#Use a subroutine to calculate the percentage of each base.
#Print out the returned values.
#Define variables
my $DNA = 0;
my $A = "A";
my $T = "T";
my $G = "G";
my $C = "C";
my $Ap = 0;
my $Tp = 0;
my $Gp = 0;
my $Cp = 0;
#Obtain DNA sequence from user.
print "Please input your DNA sequence:\n";
chomp $DNA;
#Call the subroutine for each base
#The result is saved in the string for each base
$Ap = percentATGC($DNA, $A);
$Tp = percentATGC($DNA, $T);
$Gp = percentATGC($DNA, $G);
$Cp = percentATGC($DNA, $C);
#Return the values
print "The percentage of each base in your sequence is as follows:\n";
print "A = $Ap% \n";
print "T = $Tp% \n";
print "G = $Gp% \n";
print "C = $Cp% \n\n";
sub percentATGC {
#Initialize arguments and variables
    my($DNA,$base) = @_; 
#Define variables
    my $count  = 0;
    my $countT  = 0;
    my $countG  = 0;
    my $countC  = 0;
    my $length = 0;
    print "This is dna $DNA\n";
    print "this is base $base\n";
  #Obtain a count of each base
    $count = (eval($DNA =~ tr/$base//));
  # $countT = ($DNA =~ tr/Tt//);   
  # $countG = ($DNA =~ tr/Gg//);
  # $countC = ($DNA =~ tr/Cc//);
  #Determine the length of the DNA sequence
  # $length = ($DNA =~ tr/ATGCatgc//);
  # my $value = $count/$length*100;
    return $count;
  # return $value;

Latest revision as of 15:38, 1 October 2009

Return to Week 3 Exercise 6.2 in Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics

I'm having trouble with this one!!

use warnings;
use strict;

#Erika Phelps
#28 Sept 2009
#Exercise 6.2


#Ask for a DNA sequence from the user.
#Determine the length of the DNA sequence.
#Use a subroutine to calculate the percentage of each base.
#Print out the returned values.

#Define variables

my $DNA = 0;
my $A = "A";
my $T = "T";
my $G = "G";
my $C = "C";
my $Ap = 0;
my $Tp = 0;
my $Gp = 0;
my $Cp = 0;

#Obtain DNA sequence from user.

print "Please input your DNA sequence:\n";


chomp $DNA;

#Call the subroutine for each base
#The result is saved in the string for each base

$Ap = percentATGC($DNA, $A);
$Tp = percentATGC($DNA, $T);
$Gp = percentATGC($DNA, $G);
$Cp = percentATGC($DNA, $C);

#Return the values

print "The percentage of each base in your sequence is as follows:\n";
print "A = $Ap% \n";
print "T = $Tp% \n";
print "G = $Gp% \n";
print "C = $Cp% \n\n";



sub percentATGC {
 #Initialize arguments and variables
    my($DNA,$base) = @_;  

 #Define variables
    my $count  = 0;
    my $countT  = 0;
    my $countG  = 0;
    my $countC  = 0;
    my $length = 0;

    print "This is dna $DNA\n";
    print "this is base $base\n";

  #Obtain a count of each base

    $count = (eval($DNA =~ tr/$base//));
  # $countT = ($DNA =~ tr/Tt//);    
  # $countG = ($DNA =~ tr/Gg//);
  # $countC = ($DNA =~ tr/Cc//);

   #Determine the length of the DNA sequence
   # $length = ($DNA =~ tr/ATGCatgc//);

   # my $value = $count/$length*100;
    return $count;
   # return $value;