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Lab 2: Holy Pigeon P$#! Batman, it's Penelope Poison!

Green: Krystnell, Johanna, Spencer, McKayla, Gillian

Problem Description and Approach

Data Collection

In order to measure the latitude, longitude, and elevation of each site, we took three separate readings using a yellow Etrex GPS unit. At each location, we turned on the unit, waited for it to locate the satellites, and recorded the first set of readings. Then we moved the GPS unit away from the location and back to cause the GPS to take a new reading from the satellites. We recorded this second set of raw data and then moved the GPS a second time to for a final set of readings.

In order to determine wind direction, three group members took turns using a cigarette lighter at the location to determine the direction of the breeze, faced in that direction, and then took an angle reading using the compass. All three readings were recorded. In order to determine wind speed, different group members used the Beaufort scale to estimate a speed without consulting each other, and recorded their decision.

To determine water temperature, we pointed the Mini Infared Thermometer Fluke-62 at the body of water pictured in each photograph, recorded the temperature reading, and repeated this process two more times to come up with three readings. To determine the temperature of the air, we pointed the infared thermometer at the sky, pressed the button to take a reading, and repeated this two more times to produce three readings.

Data Analysis

Location A Location B Location C Location D Location E Location F Location G Location H Location I Location J Location K
Longitude 51° 30.177' 51° 31.522' 51° 30.382' 51° 30.209' 51° 30.355' 51° 31.699' 51° 30.446' 51° 30.492' 51° 30.265' 51° 30.107' 51° 30.641'
Latitude 0° 8.554' 0° 8.852' 0° 10.915' 0° 7.917' 0° 10.094' 0° 9.652' 0° 10.492' 0° 7.651' 0° 9.604' 0° 8.326' 0° 10.552'
Elevation 3 m 35 m 22.6 m (-)3.6 m 14 m 30 m 13.6 m 5.6 m 14.6 m 3 m 16.3 m
Wind Direction 258.3° 203.3° 243.3° 323.3° 165° 238.3° 250° 48.3° 286.6° 32.6° 223.3°
Wind Speed 2 mph 3.6 mph 3 mph 5.3 mph 4 mph 4.6 mph 2 mph 2.6 mph 2.3 mph 1.6 mph 2 mph
Water Temperature 43.16°F 39.16°F 39.16°F 39.83°F 39°F 38.3°F 39.83°F 38.3°F 39.6°F 39.83°F 38.83°F
Air Temperature 32.3°F 35.16°F 33.16°F 32.16°F 32.6°F 32.16°F 34.5°F 32.83°F 33.6°F 31.83°F 34.6°F

Error Analysis


Location A

Original --> http://cs.earlham.edu/~charliep/EnglandProgram/Lab2/loc-a.jpg

Green --> http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m148/mckayla34/Batman%20Lab/DSCI0312.jpg

Location B

Original --> http://cs.earlham.edu/~charliep/EnglandProgram/Lab2/loc-b.jpg

Green --> http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m148/mckayla34/Batman%20Lab/DSCI0286.jpg

Location C

Original -->http://cs.earlham.edu/~charliep/EnglandProgram/Lab2/loc-c.jpg

Green -->http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m148/mckayla34/Batman%20Lab/DSCI0309.jpg

Location D

Original -->http://cs.earlham.edu/~charliep/EnglandProgram/Lab2/loc-d.jpg

Green -->http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m148/mckayla34/Batman%20Lab/DSCI0315.jpg

Location E

Original -->http://cs.earlham.edu/~charliep/EnglandProgram/Lab2/loc-e.jpg

Green -->http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m148/mckayla34/Batman%20Lab/DSCI0304.jpg

Location F

Original -->http://cs.earlham.edu/~charliep/EnglandProgram/Lab2/loc-f.jpg

Green -->http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m148/mckayla34/Batman%20Lab/DSCI0291.jpg

Location G

Original -->http://cs.earlham.edu/~charliep/EnglandProgram/Lab2/loc-g.jpg

Green -->http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m148/mckayla34/Batman%20Lab/DSCI0307.jpg

Location H

Original -->http://cs.earlham.edu/~charliep/EnglandProgram/Lab2/loc-h.jpg

Green -->http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m148/mckayla34/Batman%20Lab/DSCI0319.jpg

Location I

Original -->http://cs.earlham.edu/~charliep/EnglandProgram/Lab2/loc-i.jpg

Green -->http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m148/mckayla34/Batman%20Lab/DSCI0297.jpg

Location J

Original -->http://cs.earlham.edu/~charliep/EnglandProgram/Lab2/loc-j.jpg

Green -->http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m148/mckayla34/Batman%20Lab/DSCI0313.jpg

Location K

Original -->http://cs.earlham.edu/~charliep/EnglandProgram/Lab2/loc-k.jpg

Green -->http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m148/mckayla34/Batman%20Lab/DSCI0305.jpg

Appendix A: Raw Data

Note: The last reading is the average of all three readings.

Location A

Lat – 51° 30.178’ ; 51° 30.177’ ; 51° 30.177’ ---- 51° 30.177'

Long – 0° 8.553’ ; 0° 8.556’ ; 0° 8.554’ ---- 0° 8.554'

Elv – 2 m ; 3 m ; 4 m ---- 3 m

Wind Direction – 260° ; 255° ; 260° ---- 258.3°

Wind speed – 1 (1 mph) ; 1 (2 mph) ; 1 (3 mph)---- 2 mph

Water Temp – 43°F ; 43°F ; 43.5°F ---- 43.16°F

Air Temp – 32°F ; 32.5°F ; 32.5°F ---- 32.3°F

Location B

Lat – 51° 31.521’ ; 51° 31.522’ ; 51° 31.523’ ---- 51° 31.522'

Long – 0° 8.852’ ; 0° 8.851’ ; 0° 8.852’ ---- 0° 8.852'

Elv – 36 m ; 34m ; 35 m ---- 35 m

Wind Direction – 210° ; 200° ; 200° ---- 203.3°

Wind speed – 2 (5 mph) ; 2 (4 mph) ; 1 (2 mph)---- 3.6 mph

Water Temp – 40°F ; 39°F ; 38.5°F ---- 39.16°F

Air Temp – 38°F ; 35°F ; 32.5°F ---- 35.16°F

Location C

Lat – 51° 30.383’ ; 51° 30.382’ ; 51° 30.382’ ---- 51° 30.382'

Long – 0° 10.914’ ; 0° 10.915’ ; 0° 10.915’ ---- 0° 10.915'

Elv – 22 m ; 22 m ; 24 m ---- 22.6 m

Wind Direction – 240° ; 245° ; 245° ---- 243.3°

Wind speed – 1 (2mph) ; 1 (3 mph) ; 2 (4 mph) ---- 3 mph

Water Temp – 39°F ; 39°F ; 38.5°F ---- 39.16°F

Air Temp – 33°F ; 33°F ; 33.5°F ---- 33.16°F

Location D

Lat – 51° 30.208’ ; 51° 30.208’ ; 51° 30.210’ ---- 51° 30.209'

Long – 0° 7.915’ ; 0° 7.918’ ; 0° 7.917’ ---- 0° 7.917'

Elv – (-)6 m ; (-)3 m ; (-)2 m ---- (-)3.6 m

Wind Direction – 320° ; 330° ; 320° ---- 323.3°

Wind speed – 2 (6 mph) ; 2 (5 mph) ; 2 (5 mph) ---- 5.3 mph

Water Temp – 40°F ; 40°F ; 39.5°F ---- 39.83°F

Air Temp – 32.5°F ; 32°F ; 32°F ---- 32.16°F

Location E

Lat – 51° 30.354’ ; 51° 30.356’ ; 51° 30.354’ ---- 51° 30.355'

Long – 0° 10.091’ ; 0° 10.091’ ; 0° 10.101’ ---- 0° 10.094'

Elv – 13 m ; 16 m ; 13 m ---- 14 m

Wind Direction – 160° ; 170° ; 165° ---- 165°

Wind speed – 2 (4 mph) ; 1 (3 mph) ; 2 (5 mph) ---- 4 mph

Water Temp – 40°F ; 38.5°F ; 38.5°F ---- 39°F

Air Temp – 32.5°F ; 32.5°F ; 33°F ---- 32.6°F

Location F

Lat – 51° 31.669’ ; 51° 31.669’ ; 51° 31.668’ ---- 51° 31.699'

Long – 0° 9.652’ ; 0° 9.652’ ; 0° 9.651’ ---- 0° 9.652'

Elv – 31 m ; 31 m ; 28 m ---- 30 m

Wind Direction – 240° ; 245° ; 230° ---- 238.3°

Wind speed – 2 (5 mph) ; 2 (4 mph) ; 2 (5 mph) ---- 4.6 mph

Water Temp – 38.5°F ; 38.5°F ; 38°F ---- 38.3°F

Air Temp – 32°F ; 32°F ; 32.5°F ---- 32.16°F

Location G

Lat – 51° 30.446’ ; 51° 30.445’ ; 51° 30.446’ ---- 51° 30.446'

Long – 0° 10.492’ ; 0° 10.492’ ; 0° 10.491’ ---- 0° 10.492'

Elv – 13 m ; 14 m ; 14 m ---- 13.6 m

Wind Direction – 260° ; 240° ; 250° ---- 250°

Wind speed – 1 (2 mph) ; 1 (2 mph) ; 1 (2 mph) ---- 2 mph

Water Temp – 39.5°F ; 40°F ; 40°F ---- 39.83°F

Air Temp – 34.5°F ; 34.5°F ; 34.5°F ---- 34.5°F

Location H

Lat – 51° 30.492’ ; 51° 30.492’ ; 51° 30.491’ ---- 51° 30.492'

Long – 0° 7.650’ ; 0° 7.651’ ; 0° 7.651’ ---- 0° 7.651'

Elv – 6 m ; 5 m ; 6 m ---- 5.6 m

Wind Direction – 40° ; 50° ; 55° ---- 48.3°

Wind speed – 1 (3mph) ; 1 (3 mph) ; 1 (2mph) ---- 2.6 mph

Water Temp – 38.5°F ; 38°F ; 38.5°F ---- 38.3°F

Air Temp – 33°F ; 32.5°F ; 33°F ---- 32.83°F

Location I

Lat – 51° 30.265’ ; 51° 30.264’ ; 51° 30.265’ ---- 51° 30.265'

Long – 0° 9.604’ ; 0° 9.604’ ; 0° 9.604’ ---- 0° 9.604'

Elv – 13 m ; 16 m ; 15 m ---- 14.6 m

Wind Direction – 300° ; 280° ; 280° ---- 286.6°

Wind speed – 1 (3 mph) ; 1 (2 mph) ; 1 (2 mph) ---- 2.3 mph

Water Temp – 39.5°F ; 39.5°F ; 40°F ---- 39.6°F

Air Temp – 33.5°F ; 33.5°F ; 34°F ---- 33.6°F

Location J

Lat – 51° 30.108’ ; 51° 30.106’ ; 51° 30.106’ ---- 51° 30.107'

Long – 0° 8.326’ ; 0° 8.326’ ; 0° 8.325’ ---- 0° 8.326'

Elv – 2 m ; 3 m ; 4 m ---- 3 m

Wind Direction – 30° ; 33° ; 35° ---- 32.6°

Wind speed – 1 (2 mph) ; 1 (1 mph) ; 1 (2 mph) ---- 1.6 mph

Water Temp – 40°F ; 40°F ; 39.5°F ---- 39.83°F

Air Temp – 31.5°F ; 32°F ; 32°F ---- 31.83°F

Location K

Lat – 51° 30.643’ ; 51° 30.639’ ; 51° 30.641’ ---- 51° 30.641'

Long – 0° 10.551’ ; 0° 10.551’ ; 0° 10.554’ ---- 0° 10.552'

Elv – 17 m ; 15 m ; 17 m ---- 16.3 m

Wind Direction – 220° ; 220° ; 230° ---- 223.3°

Wind speed – 1 (2 mph) ; 1 (3 mph) ; 1 (1 mph) ---- 2 mph

Water Temp – 39°F ; 38.5°F ; 39°F ---- 38.83°F

Air Temp – 34.5°F ; 35°F ; 34.5°F ---- 34.6°F

Appendix B: Visualization

Visualization (1): http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m148/mckayla34/Batman%20Lab/graph1.jpg

Visualization (2): http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m148/mckayla34/Batman%20Lab/graph.jpg



Elevation (-) 3.6m (to) 35m

Wind Direction 32.6 (to) 323.3

Wind Speed 1.6 (to) 5.3

Water Temperature 38.3 (to) 43.16

Air Temperature 31.83 (to) 35.16

Locations from Low Elevation to High Elevation

1) D - (-) 3.6m

2) J - 3m

3) A - 3m

4) H - 5.6m

5) G - 13.6m

6) E - 14m

7) I - 14.6m

8) K - 16.3 m

9) C - 22.6m

10) F - 30m

11) B - 35m

Wind Direction Values in order of location numbers (in degrees):

323.3, 32.6, 258.3, 48.3, 250, 165, 286.6, 223.3, 243.3, 238.3, 203.3

Wind Speed Values in order of location numbers (in miles per hour):

5.3, 1.6, 2, 2.6, 2, 4, 2.3, 2, 3, 4.6, 3.6

Water Temperature Values in order of location numbers (in degrees Fahrenheit):

39.83, 39.83, 43.16, 38.3, 39.83, 39, 39.6, 38.83, 38.83, 38.3, 39.16

Air Temperature Values in order of location numbers (in degrees Fahrenheit) :

32.16, 31.83, 32.3, 32.83, 34.5, 32.6, 33.6, 34.6, 33.16, 32.16, 35.16

Appendix C: Who Did What

Spencer ~ During the lab I was responsible for recording the data as well as providing one of the three readings for both wind direction and wind speed. Because I downloaded the pictures onto my computer before the lab, and was able to identify their locations with this, I wrote the "Problem Description and Approach". After McKayla calculated the measurements and entered the raw data onto the wiki, I edited it with the proper notations. I also created the table with all of our measurements.