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Latest revision as of 16:04, 11 August 2005

Ethernet terminal server is accessed via image.cs.e.e since it's the only 2.4.x kernel machine handy.

Loading kernel module on image.cs.earlham.edu for the ethernet terminal server

To use the Digi so that the serial device that is plugged into it shows-up on a machine looking just like a regular serial device. There are other configurations as well, e.g. PPP.

For HIP and weather we need to use image as the server since it runs Linux (Digi doesn't speak BSD) and it is generally up and has plenty of cycles.

Install the software (see CharlieP for the details)

This version of the Digi software does not work with the 2.6.x kernel, it would zorch the machine (no console output, nothing) when you accessed the device.

Configure DHCP and DNS for the device. Depending on how it will be used you may need 1 or more IP numbers for it., ets1.cs.earlham.edu

Installing the kernel module:

       insmod dgrp

Use Digi RealPort Manager to add the device to the machine where it will be "homed" (image in this case).

       device id should be rp, it will append port numbers, i.e. ttyrp00, etc.
       one per port (2 in this case).

Checking to see if the daemons are running:

       ps auxw | grep dgrp

To start the daemons (once the kernel module is loaded):

       /etc/rc.d/init.d/dgrp_daemon start

To stop the daemons:

       /etc/rc.d/init.d/dgrp_daemon stop; rmmod dgrp

Web interface for configuration

Telnet interface?

dinc rather than tip, cu, etc.

       dinc -18N /dev/ttyrp00
       ~DEL is dinc menu, ~X exits dinc

ttyrp00 is the weather duck currently