I) Who we are (Mike 5 min)
II) Why Earlham (Charlie 15 min)
III) Why Project (Ron 10 min)
IV) What Project (50 min total)
- Goals and Objectives Mike (5 min), or as part of Why Project
- Courses (Mike 5 min)
- Intro: Gen Chem (Mike 10 min)
- Upper: Geology (Ron 10 min)
- Break
- Research: Biology (David 10 min)
- Seminars (Meg 5 min)
- Dissemination/Evaluation (Lori 5 min)
Dissemination activities will include:
• NITLE workshop on integrating multi-disciplinary computational methods into the undergraduate science curriculum. We have already arranged with the National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education (NITLE) to offer a workshop for our peers where we will describe what we have done and offer suggestions for how similar programs can be implemented at their institutions.
• Earlham Science Poster Session (held each Fall)
• Student presentation of papers at regional and national scientific conferences (Butler Undergraduate Research Conference, Geological Society of America, American Chemical Society, etc).
• CUR publications and programs
• Student/Faculty papers in science pedagogy journals and basic science journals, as appropriate.
Evaluation will include:
• External evaluation both during and at the conclusion of the grant period
• Qualitative evaluation: open-ended surveys, interviews
• Quantitative evaluation: quantitative surveys, pre and post grant levels of undergraduate research, curricular use of computational modeling and interdisciplinary projects
V) Why Keck (Lori 5 min)
Why Keck:
• Long tradition of supporting curricular innovation: Funding for undergraduate research at small liberal arts colleges is limited. The W.M. Keck Foundation is known and respected throughout the scientific community as a foundation that supports innovative science programs at high-quality libral arts institutions.
• Limited sources of support for such a comprehensive multidisciplinary program: Most sources support only limited interdisciplinary work (bio and chem., for example) and most do not support such work at undergraduate institutions
• NSF funding for science education at 4yr institutions has been flat for past 10 years and curricular improvements funding has decreased by 50% over same timeframe
• Strong supporter of computational science education: the Keck Undergraduate Computational Science Education Consortium headed by Capital University.
• Keck support would also raise the visibility of the sciences regionally and nationally.
Wrap-up: Review, questions, tour next (Mike 5 min)