Cluster: Ganglia README
Basic information
Ganglia (and nagios) are installed on Their web interfaces are available at (and s/ganglia/nagios).
Add a server to ganglia monitoring
Gmond (Deamon Ganglia Monitoring): This service will retrieve some information about the node to be monitored.
Gmetad (Ganglia Meta Daemon): Gmetad will collect data from all gmonds. Including gmond which is installed on the client. Gmetad only needs to be installed on the server side only.
RRD (Round Robin Database): Used to store data on ganglia.
Ganglia Web: A web interface for displaying data graph displays and matrices from rrd tools.
Copied from this article:
Instructions for installing Ganglia on client node (Centos):
On Client machine:
1. yum install ganglia-gmond
2. In /etc/ganglia/gmond.conf set udp send channel to See lovelace’s config of gmond as a reference.
3. service gmond restart