GNUPlot Visualization
- GNUPlot Visualization - Mapping the Population of India
- Leif DeJong
- F/K Fall 2012
PRINT_TYPE = "pdf"
- Export Settings
set terminal postscript enhanced color
set output '| ps2pdf - plot.pdf'
- set terminal svg
- set output 'india-population.svg'
- Functions
WordSize(size) = 0.25*sqrt(sqrt(column(size)))
Place(String,Size) = sprintf("{/=%d %s}", WordSize(Size), stringcolumn(String))
- Reset
unset xtics
unset ytics
unset key
unset log
unset label
- Pre Plot Setup
set termoption enhanced
set object 1 rectangle from screen 0,0 to screen 1,1 fillcolor rgb"#4282d3" behind
set border 0
set size square
set datafile separator ","
set label "Yield Point" at 1,0
- Plot
plot 'india.csv' using 2:1 w filledcu lc rgb "#138900"
replot 'middle-andaman.csv' using 2:1 w filledcu lc rgb "#138900"
replot 'little-anadman.csv' using 2:1 w filledcu lc rgb "#138900"
replot 'great-nicobar.csv' using 2:1 w filledcu lc rgb "#138900"
replot 'amini.csv' using 2:1 w filledcu lc rgb "#138900"
replot 'andrott.csv' using 2:1 w filledcu lc rgb "#138900"
replot 'other.csv' using 2:1 w filledcu lc rgb "#138900"
replot 'other2.csv' using 2:1 w filledcu lc rgb "#138900"
replot 'other3.csv' using 2:1 w filledcu lc rgb "#138900"
replot 'india-information.csv' using 29:28:(Place(1,5)) with labels title 'India'