Exercise 5.5D
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Exercise 5.3 in Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; #Damian Almiron #Ex5-5 #Pseudocode: #write a program that reports the percentage of hydrophobic amino acids #in a protein sequence obtain from a file. #my variables (do we always have to make var equal to zero? If not always,when my @protein_original = 0; my $protein_joint = 0; my $count_hydrophobic = 0; my $count_other = 0; my $percentage_hydrophobic = 0; #Open file. open(PROTEINFILE) @protein_original = <PROTEINFILE>; close PROTEINFILE; $protein_joint = join( '', @protein_string); #Removing whitespace $protein_sequence =~ s/\s//g; #Determine if each AA is hydrophobic or not (go over this code) while ($protein_sequence =~ /V/ig) {$count_hydrophobic++} while ($protein_sequence =~ /I/ig) {$count_hydrophobic++} while ($protein_sequence =~ /L/ig) {$count_hydrophobic++} while ($protein_sequence =~ /A/ig) {$count_hydrophobic++} while ($protein_sequence =~ /[^VILA]/ig) {$count_other++} #Calculate % hydrophobic aa (review code) # $rounded = sprintf("%.3f", $number); $percentage_hydrophobic = sprintf("%.1f",$count_hydrophobic/$count_other*100); #Print results print "The follwing percentage is hydrophobic:$percentage_hydrophobic.\n"; exit;