Exercise 5.4
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Exercise 5.4 in Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; #Erika Phelps #Sept 27, 2009 #Exercise 5.4 #Pseudocode: #Ask the user to input a string of DNA #Use the substr function to find the reverse of the string #Print out the reverse #End program #Define variables my $dna = 0; my $base = 0; my $reverse_dna = 0; my $position = 0; #Ask the user for a string of DNA print "This program calculates the reverse complement of a strand of DNA.\n"; print "Please input a string of DNA:\n"; $dna = <STDIN>; chomp $dna; #Determine the reverse complement of the DNA for ($position = 0 ; $position < length $dna ; ++$position){ $base = substr($dna, $position, 1); if ( $base eq 'A' ) { $reverse_dna = $reverse_dna.'T'; } elsif ( $base eq 'C' ) { $reverse_dna = $reverse_dna.'G'; } elsif ( $base eq 'G' ) { $reverse_dna = $reverse_dna.'C'; } elsif ( $base eq 'T' ) { $reverse_dna = $reverse_dna.'A'; } } #Strip $reverse_dna of it's first character $reverse_dna =~ s/^0*//; #Print out the reverse complement print "The DNA you provides is: $dna.\n"; print "The reverse complement of this string is: $reverse_dna.\n\n"; #Exit program exit;