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*Sometimes you might have to zoom into the picture to see it clear (it will be indicated by a pin(s).
*Sometimes you might have to zoom into the picture to see it clear (it will be indicated by a pin(s).
*There are a number of way which can be used to copy the picture from google earth to your desktop.
*There are a number of way which can be used to copy the picture from google earth to your desktop.
* One of them, which is the one I used is taking a snap shot of my desktop using the splat key + 4 on my apple computer.
* One of them, which is the one I used is taking a snap shot of the desktop using the shift + command + 4 an apple computer.
*That picture is now ready to be integrated with the gnuplot we made using the GNUplot software.  
*That picture is now ready to be integrated with the gnuplot we made using the GNUplot software.  
*To Do the integration we use the GNU Image Manipulation Program mentioned above.
*To Do the integration we use the GNU Image Manipulation Program mentioned above.

Revision as of 10:46, 4 June 2009

Getting to the final mashup
This is an easy step by step procedure for converting data collected by sonde into the YSI 650 MDS and transfered into a computer to the pictures as seen below.
The following is an example of data from sonde, which has been converted to a csv file using EcoWatch.


The final product from the cvs file is presented as the pictures below, which was produced from a combination of google earth, GNUplot and GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP).


  • GNUplot which is used to get the graph is installed in all the ACLs and in stewie, and hence you don't have to install to use it.
  • To make the graph, go to the directory where you have your data file (which will be a csv file if it was generated by EcoWatch).
  • Into that directory, copy the following script and make adjustments for the name of your data file and the the ranges for your parameters.
  • type "gnuplot" and return.
  • To plot the data file type 'load "script name"' and enter.
  • Here is the script:
set terminal x11
#set output "aaa.png"
set datafile separator ","
set xdata time
set timefmt "%H:%M:%S"
set xrange ["11:20:50":"11:38:00"]
set format "%H:%Mam"
set title "Springwood Lake\nMay 25, 2009"
set multiplot
unset ytics
plot [][22:24]          "MIK2.csv" using 2:3\
                        notitle with p lt rgb "red" pt 2 #Temp
plot [][600:650]        "MIK2.csv" using 2:4\
                        notitle with p lt rgb "yellow" pt 4 #Cond
plot [][0:100]          "MIK2.csv" using 2:8\
                        notitle with p lt rgb "green" pt 6 #ORP
plot [][9.6:10.65]      "MIK2.csv" using 2:7\
                        notitle with p lt rgb "blue" pt 8 #pH
set key bottom left
set key box lt 5 lw 2 
replot  "MIK2.csv" using 1:(1/0)\
         title "Temperature(22-24C)" with p lt rgb "red" pt 2,\
        "MIK2.csv" using 1:(1/0)\
         title "Conductivity(600-650uS/cm)" with p lt rgb "yellow" pt 4,\
        "MIK2.csv" using 1:(1/0)\
         title "ORP(0-100mv)" with p lt rgb "green" pt 6,\
        "MIK2.csv" using 1:(1/0)\
         title "pH(9.6-10.65)" with p lt rgb "blue" pt 8 
unset multiplot

  • Next you want to get a satellite picture showing exactly where you took you data. To get this, you have to go to the directory where you have you data file from the YSI 650 MDS.
  • Copy the following perl script into the same directory.
#Written by: Mikio Takizawa
#July 2008
#Modified in May 2009
#This script is for converting csv file, which is the data from
#springwood database, to kml file.
#Sample basic structure of kml file
#<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
#<kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.2">
#  <Placemark>
#    <name>Simple placemark</name>
#    <description>Attached to the ground. Intelligently places itself 
#       at the height of the underlying terrain.</description>
#    <Point>
#      <coordinates>-122.0822035425683,37.42228990140251,0</coordinates>
#    </Point>
#  </Placemark>

use strict;

$ARGV[1] or die "Usage: $0 <infile> <outfile>\n";

my $infile = $ARGV[0];
my $outfile = $ARGV[1];
my $i;
my $j;
my $k;
my $l;
my $sdate;
  • Run the scrip on you data file and send the out put to an output file.
  • eg:
wir059151:untitled folder sanelemahlalela$ ls
MIK2.csv		sanele2.kml		ysi650_2_kml.pl		ysi650_2_plot.gplot
wir059151:untitled folder sanelemahlalela$ perl ysi650_2_kml.pl MIK2.csv sanele3.kml
Choose date from: "Date" "M/D/Y" "05/25/09"
Which one?: "05/25/09"
sanele3.kml is ready.
wir059151:untitled folder sanelemahlalela$ 
  • Copy the kml file to your www directory in you home directory on quark.
  • Copy that same file from your www directory onto your desktop.
  • Now you can open google earth drag the file from your desktop and drop it on google earth.
  • Sometimes you might have to zoom into the picture to see it clear (it will be indicated by a pin(s).
  • There are a number of way which can be used to copy the picture from google earth to your desktop.
  • One of them, which is the one I used is taking a snap shot of the desktop using the shift + command + 4 an apple computer.
  • That picture is now ready to be integrated with the gnuplot we made using the GNUplot software.
  • To Do the integration we use the GNU Image Manipulation Program mentioned above.
  • Before doing that however, lets look into another way of getting our kml file into a satellite picture.
  • We are going to use google maps instead of google earth.
  • In this case you go to google maps. In the search bar, type "http://cs.earlham.edu/~stmahla07/sanele2.kml" enter ( substitute stmahla07 for earlham username(home directory on quark) and sanele2.kml for file name).
  • Here you will get something similar to what google earth will give you. And again, you can copy the image onto your desktop in a number of ways including taking a snapshot of your desktop.
    • Doing the real Mashup!

--to be continued.