HIP:LittleFe Touchscreen Display

From Earlham CS Department
Revision as of 12:24, 13 May 2009 by Purcebr (talk | contribs) (Inch TFT Touchscreen LCD Monitor)
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7 Inch TFT Touchscreen LCD Monitor

Installation on the BCCD Version 3

This section is describes the steps required to set up the TouchKit Drivers on the Debian-based BCCD platform. The software included with the unit is totally out of date, and there website hosts conflicting drivers, so watch out.

To get the good drivers, go to eGalax TouchKit Drivers Choose your appropriate kernel type. To check to see which kernel version you're using, type

uname -r

Now that the tarball has downloaded, de-tar it. Upon entering the newly unzipped directory, you should see a script named setup.sh

sudo ./setup.sh uninstall

Next install the software

sudo ./setup.sh

This script takes care of the X configuration. It does not install the driver, although it likes to pretend that it does. You will have to do this manually.

Now that you have run the setup script, copy the Touchkit.tar.gz tarball and name it Touchkit-driver.tar.gz

now extract Touchkit-driver.tar.gz

gunzip Touchkit-driver.tar.gz

tar xvf Touchkit-driver.tar

cd into the extracted folder.

OutBack Powersystems MATE

  • The MATE system installed in the display case on the first floor of Dennis has a serial interface. This project will aim to connect solar power generation data to the infobomb system.


  • This data will then be visualized in real time on the littlefe.
  • The touch screen monitor will be connected to the little fe.