Cluster: C3 Tools INSTALL

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         C3 version 4.0:   Cluster Command & Control Suite

           Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN,

     Authors: M.Brim, R.Flanery, G.A.Geist, B.Luethke, S.L.Scott

                 (C) 2001 All Rights Reserved



 Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and

 its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted

 provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and

 that both the copyright notice and this permission notice appear in

 supporting documentation.


 Neither the Oak Ridge National Laboratory nor the Authors make any

 representations about the suitability of this software for any

 purpose.  This software is provided "as is" without express or

 implied warranty.


 The C3 tools were funded by the U.S. Department of Energy.



Before C3 can be installed on a system, you must ensure that the following 

software is installed on your system. The following seven software packages

are required:  the C3 tools suite, Rsync, SSH (or OpenSSH), Python, and Perl.

You must also configure that system to support host name resolution of the 

machines listed in the configuration file (either through DNS or /etc/hosts).

 Finally, if you wish to use the C3 pushimage command, which pushes system 

images across a cluster, you must install SystemImager.

Instructions for obtaining each of these software packages are given below.

  C3 tools may be obtained from

  Rsync, Perl, SSH, and Python should be included with your distribution.

  If they are not then download the source or binaries from their respected

  web sites.

  Perl may be obtained from

	C3 requires 5.005 or greater

  Python may be obtained from

	C3 version 3 requires Python 2.0 or greater

	additionally C3 requires either the binary or a link to the python 

	interpreter to 	be in your path (and that it be named python2). To 

	check it type "python2 -V" and make sure you get output (the current 

	version of python being run). If you do not get any output then you must 

	find where the python library is on your machine and create a link to

	the binary. Such as "ln -s /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/python2" if

	/usr/bin/python is where your python binary is located and /usr/bin

	is in your path.

  SystemImager may be obtained from



NOTE: if you are wanting to use the scalable model of the C3 tolls then follow

steps A and B, read C as it still pertains to the scalable model, then see the 

README.scale file for the scalable instructions.

A. pre-install

	Begin by making sure that Rsync, OpenSSL, OpenSSH, PERL, and

	Python are installed.  Install Systemimager, if needed.  Install DNS

	or /etc/hosts as needed, and make sure that hostname resolution is 


	Directions for downloading each of these packages are given in 

	Section	I above.  Perl, Python, Rsync, OpenSSH, and OpenSSL are included 

	with most distributions

	You will need root access to install these packages on your system. 

        Follow the instruction in each package if you need to install them.

B. C3 install

	After you complete the pre-install (step A), install the Cluster 

	Command & Control (C3) tools. Begin by untar'ring the C3 package 

	and running the install script.  The install script places the C3 

	scripts in /opt/c3-4 and the man pages in the appropriate directory.  

	The C3 install script installs the C3 command suite, but does not 

	configure the commands or any local clusters for operation.  

	Directions for the remaining tasks are given below.

C. C3 configuration

	Specific instances of C3 commands identify their compute nodes with 

	the help of **cluster configuration files**:  files that name a set

	of accessible clusters, and that list and describe the set of 

	machines in each accessible cluster.  Cluster configuration files 

	are accessed in one of two ways:

	-.  explicitly:  an instance of a C3 command names a specific 

	configuration file, using a command-line switch.

	-.  implicitly:  an instance of a C3 command fails to name a specific

	configuration file, and the command defaults to the list of cluster

	descriptions given in /etc/c3.conf.


	When you install C3, you should create a default configuration file 

	that is appropriate to the site.  This file, which should be named

	/etc/c3.conf, should consist of a list of **cluster descriptor

	blocks**:  syntactic objects that name and describe a single cluster 

	that is accessible to that system's users.  

	The following is an example of a default configuration file that 

	contains exactly one cluster descriptor block:  a block that 

	describes a cluster of 64 nodes:

		cluster local {

			htorc-00:node0  #head node

			node[1-64]	#compute nodes


	Cluster description blocks consist of the following basic elements:

	-.  a **cluster tag**:  the word "cluster", followed by a label,

	    which assigns a name to the cluster.  This name--here, "local"--

	    can be supplied to C3 commands as a way of specifying the cluster

	    on which a command should execute.

	-.  an open curly brace, which signals the start of the cluster's

	    declaration proper.

	-.  a **head node descriptor**:  a line that names the interfaces

	    on the cluster's head node.  The head node descriptor shown here

	    has two parts:

	    -.  The string to the left of the colon identifies the head 

		node's **external** interface: a network card that links 

		the head node to computers outside the cluster.  This string

		can be the interface's IP address or DNS-style hostname.

	    -.	The string to the right of the colon identifies the head 

		node's **internal** interface: a network card that links the

		head node to nodes inside the cluster.  This string can be 

		the interface's IP address or DNS-style hostname.

	    Here, the head node descriptor names a head node with an external

	    interface named htorc-00, and an internal interface named node0.

	    A cluster that has no external interface--i.e., a cluster that is

	    on a closed system--can be specified by either

	    -.  making the internal and external name the same, or

	    -.  dropping the colon, and using one name in the specifier. 

	-.  a list of **compute node descriptors**:  a series of individual

	    descriptors that name the cluster's compute nodes.  

	    The example given here contains exactly one compute node 

	    descriptor.  This descriptor uses a **range qualifier** to 

	    specify a cluster that contains 64 compute nodes, named node1, 

	    node2, etc., up through node64.  A range qualifier consists of 

	    -.  a first, nonnegative integer, followed by 

	    -.  a dash, followed by 

	    -.  a second integer that is at least as large as the first.

	    In the current version of the C3 tools et, these range values are 

	    treated as numbers, with no leading zeroes.  A declaration like

		    cluster local {

			htorc-00:node0  #head node

			node[01-64]	#compute nodes


	    expands to the same 64 nodes as the declaration shown above.  To 

	    specify a set of nodes with names like node01, node09, node10, ...

	    node64, use declarations like

		    cluster local {

			htorc-00:node0  #head node

			node0[1-9]	#compute nodes node01..node09

			node[10-64]	#compute nodes node10..node64


 	-.  a final, closing curly brace.

 	Configuration files that specify multiple clusters are constituted as

	a list of cluster descriptor blocks--one per accessible cluster.

	The following example of a cluster configuration file contains three 

	blocks that specify configurations for clusters named local, torc, 

	and my-cluster, respectively:

		cluster local {

			htorc-00:node0	#head node

			node[1-64]	#compute nodes

			exclude 2

			exclude [55-60]


		cluster torc {



		cluster my-cluster {



			dead riggs


	The first cluster in the file has a special significance that is

	analogous to the special significance accorded to the first 

	declaration in a make file.  Any instance of a C3 command that fails

	to name the cluster on which it should run executes, by default, on 

	the first cluster in the configuration file.  Here, for example, any

	command that fails to name its target cluster would default to local.

	The cluster configuration file shown above illustrates three final

	features of the cluster definition language:  **exclude qualifiers**,

	**dead qualifiers**, and **indirect cluster** descriptors.

	**Exclude qualifiers** allow nodes to be excluded from a cluster's

	configuration: i.e., to be identified as offline for the purpose of

	a command execution.  Exclude qualifiers may only be applied to 

	range declarations, and must follow immediately after a range 

	declaration to which they are being applied.  A series of exclude 

	declarations is ended by a non-exclude declaration, or the final "}" 

	in a cluster declaration block.  


	An exclude qualifier can be written in one of three ways:

	-.   "exclude n", where n is the number of a node to exclude from the


	-.   "exclude[m-n]", where m, m+1, m+2, ..., n-1, n is the range of 

	     nodes to exclude; or as

	-.   "exclude [m-n], which has the same effect as "exclude[m-n]".

	Note that a string like "exclude5" is parsed as a node name, rather 

	than as an exclude qualifier.

	In the above example, the two exclude qualifiers have the effect of

	causing node2, node55, node56 node57, node58, node59, and node60 to 

	be treated as offline for the purpose of computation.

	**Dead qualifiers** are similar to exclude qualifiers, but apply to

	individual machines.  In the example given above, the machine named

	"riggs" in the cluster named "my-cluster" is excluded from all


	"Dead", like "exclude", is not a reserved word in the current version

	of the C3 suite.  A specification block like

		cluster my-cluster {




	for example, declares a two-machine cluster with a head node named 

	"alive" and a compute node named "dead".

	An **indirect cluster descriptor** is treated as a reference to 

	another cluster, rather than as a characterization of a cluster per 

	se.  In the example shown above, the descriptor

		cluster torc {



	is an indirect cluster descriptor.  An indirect descriptor consists 


	-.  a cluster tag, followed by, 

	-.  an **indirect head head node descriptor**, followed by

	-.  an empty list of compute node descriptors.

	An indirect head node descriptor consists of an initial colon, 

	followed by a string that names a **remote** system.  This name, 

	which can either be an IP address or a DNS-style hostname, is checked

	whenever a C3 command executes to verify that that the machine being

	referenced is **not** the machine on which that command is currently 


	A command that is destined for an indirect cluster is executed by 

	-.  first forwarding that command to the remote cluster's head node

	-.  next, executing that command, relative to the remote machine's 

	    default configuration file.

	For this feature to work properly, the remote machine must also 

	support	a fully operational C3 suite (version 4.0) placed in the 

	/opt/c3-4 directory.  

	The indirect cluster descriptors can be used to construct **chains** 

	of remote references:  that is, multi-node configurations where an

	indirect cluster descriptor on a machine A references an indirect 

	cluster descriptor on a machine B.  Here, it is the system 

	administrator's responsibility to avoid circular references.

D. Post-install

	For the C3 ckill command to work properly, ckillnode must be copied 

	to a directory on each compute node on every supported cluster.  The 

	easy way to install ckillnode is to use cexec and cpush.  After 

	installing and configuring C3 (cf. steps A-C above), use the 

	following two commands to push ckillnode to each node in the default 


	cexec mkdir /opt/c3-4

	cpush /opt/c3-4/ckillnode

	For the scalable version a full C3 install is needed on each node.

	This can be accomplished by either installing the RPM on each node

	or pushing the tarball out and using cexec (non-scalable at this point)

	to run the install script on each node.


This completes the installation of the C3 tools.

E. Notes

	The relative positions of nodes in c3.conf files can be significant

	for C3 command execution.  Version 3 of the C3 suite allows the use 

	of node ranges on the command line.  The command line parameters used

	to specify the indices of compute nodes refer to relative node 

	positions in c3.conf.  

	Consider, for example, the semantics of node range parameters, 

	relative to the following c3.conf file:

	cluster local {

		htorc-00:node0  #head node

		node[1-64]	#compute nodes

		exclude 60



	This cluster is made up of 192 nodes.  Here, 

	-.  the 64 nodes named node1 through node64 correspond to slots 0-63

	-.  the 128 nodes named node129 through node256 correspond to slots

	    64-191--and **not**, for example, to slots 129-256.

	Note also that the excluded node--node60--acts as a place holder in 

	the range of indices: node60 is a relative index of 59, which allows

	nodes node61, node62, node63, and node64 to correspond to 60, 61, 62,

	and 63, respectively.  This "place holder" effect is an important 

	reason for explicitly specifying that a node is dead or excluded--as

	opposed to simply dropping that line from the specification.

	Two new tools in version 3.1 of the C3 tools suite support the 

	management of node numbers.  The first, cname, inputs a node name,

	and outputs that node's relative position (slot number).  The second,

	cnum, inputs a range of slot numbers, and outputs the names of the

	corresponding compute nodes.




C3 command documentation may be found in two locations.

  1. Quick Usage Info - enter "<command> --help" at the command line

  2. Full Man Page - enter "man <command>" at the command line